On March 6, 2017, Attorneys Jim Smith, Randy Nesbitt, Jon Pinkert, and Amy Sullivan attended the Door County Planning Department’s Informational Meeting Regarding New Shoreland Zoning Regulations. Shoreland zoning affects all waterfront properties in Door County. There were significant changes to the state statutes in July 2015 and to the Door County Ordinances in late 2016 regarding shoreland zoning. Zoning changes include averaging setbacks for buildable shoreland lots, impervious surface calculations, non-conforming structures, and much more. The changes in rules even make some previously unbuildable lots now buildable. Pinkert Law Firm LLP advises clients on all types of projects which relate to zoning, including commercial and residential development, the purchase and sale of real estate, variances, and conditional use permits. Staying on top of the most recent legislation is an important part of our practice. If you would like to schedule a meeting to discuss the shoreland zoning changes or any other zoning issues, please call our office today.